Old News
February 9, 2021 - Michael Calbi Obituary
The Bergen County USBC has lost a Dear Friend, and Hall Of Famer -2020 - Michael J. Calbi, 68, of Saddle Brook for 25 years and formerly of East Rutherford, passed away on February 9, 2021.
April 30, 2020 - Sports Reporter
USBC Cancels 2020 Convention; Melissa McDaniel Elected USBC President, COVID-19 Strikes Down Bowl Expo, BPAA Hall of Famer Bill Bojé Passed Away, TWELVE YOUTH BOWLERS RECEIVE GIFT FOR LIFE SCHOLARSHIP and much more inside.

February 2019
Bergen County USBC won the 2018 – 2019 NJ State traveling Bowling League with a Record of 81-45 and winning 64% of their games. The highest in this years travel league. 2nd Place was only 58%. The last time Bergen County won the travel league was 20 years ago.
January 28, 2018
From the Bergen County Bowling Association
The Bergen County Bowling Association has lost a brother, a friend, a Hall of Fame member, Mr Alfred “Al” Fuscarino. Al was a staple at Lodi Lanes from its start as Lane man to close friendship to bowlers in the Senior leagues. Also supported Bergen County bowling in so many ways. He was inducted into the Bergen County Bowling Association Hall Of Fame in 1975 and inducted into the NJ State bowling hall of fame in 1985. Al was a fantastic bowler in the 1960 and 1970 Era. Bowling against greats like Junie McMahon, Teata Semiz just to name a few.
Better known to his Friends as "FUSKY"
July 2015
Bergen County USBC Bowling Association and Montvale Lanes Raises over $2500 for Autism Speaks of Bergen County